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How to Setup SQL Server in ERP Software

On Server PC

Click on Create a New company to start your accounting books

By Default it takes MS Access as Database Backend

If you wish to use SQL Server as backend, then you need to select 2nd Option i.e “SQL Server”

Click on Settings

Enter your Server Name and Other Details

SQL Server 2005 must be installed on your PC, if you want to use SQL Server as backend

You can download SQL Server 2005 Express From

*PC Users must have rights to create a database in SQL Server

*All the rights to read / write database must be enabled for all users.

HOW to know your server name…?

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio

  2. In the first screen, you will get your server name

  3. Copy this server name

  4. And paste in your school software’s setting screen

  5. Click on Save my Settings

Remember to give a good password for the super user of your company

How to configure On Client PC

On Client machine, you need to create a DSN pointing to database created on Server PC

  1. Open Control Panel à Administrative Tools

Open “Data Sources (ODBC)”

Now your DSN Setting is complete

Here you need to create a new Company on Client machine and point its Setting with DNS

The DNS name must you created on Client machine must be appearing in the list of ODBC Connection. Choose the correct one and continue

Same procedure need to be followed on all client machines

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