As per market requirements and various terms and conditions in business dealings, There are various methods to calculate GST in Sale Invoice like
Post Discount GST Calculation (exclusive)
This is the most common way of GST Calculation where GST is calculated After deducting Discount from Basic Amount
In Sale Type Settings, Keep Tax Exclusive
Make Sure these options are unchecked
Input Sale invoice, Give some discount.
Notice that tax amount is calculated after discount.
e.g. 1000 - 200 = 800 x 18% = 144/-
GST Before Discount (No Effect in Discount is given)
In very rare cases, businessman wants to calculate GST on Basic value only. means there should be no effect on GST whether discount is given or not.
Notice there is no effect on GST Value if any discount given in Sale Bill, Tax is calculated on basic amount only
1000 x 18% = 180/-