In this topic we will discuss how to send thanks SMS to a student on receipt of fees.
Today everyone to have transaction details of fees submission.
Thus in this software we have facility of fees receipt SMS.
We will discuss how to create SMS templates.
Now click on SMS templates in help menu.
Now we will select the entry for which we want to create SMS template. Now we will tick cash receipt.
For eg. We write dear and select party name from choose dynamic field. Thus whenever we will send fees receipt SMS to the student then party name will be replaced by student name( Manoj).
Now we will select receipt number from dynamic field thus receipt no. (1,2…) will be replaced here.
Now select payment mode from dynamic field. The payment mode can be in cash
We will select total amount from dynamic field by double clicking it.
Then select name of company by double clicking on it in dynamic field.
Thus name of company will be replaced by your institute name. Now click OK.
Thus the template will be created. If you want that the fees receipt SMS automatically send to the student then tick cash receipt.
Now we will do quick receipt entry by clicking on quick receipt in entries menu.
Now select payment mode, receipt number and total amount.
As soon as you fill total amount software will display the detail of balance and received amount. Now click on continue.
Click on save.
As soon as you click on save the SMS detail will display. Now click OK.
Thus in this way as soon as you do receipt entry the fees receipt SMS send to student automatically. Now close it.