In this topic we will discuss the checking of reports of all entries such as KOT,
Reservation and bill entry. Report of these entries has been prepared in display menu.
Click on day book in display menu.
You can check the day book date wise. Select date and click OK.
Here after selecting date the all entries of that particular date duration will be displayed. It will also display the total debit( received) and total credited( payable). Now close it by clicking on cross sign.
Now we will check cash book report. Click on cash book in display menu.
Now as you want to check how much cash you get from customer, then select cash in account name. Select date duration and click OK.
Thus it will display cash payment we get. Now close it.
Now we can check KOT report. All the services we provide to customer whether it is room service or table service.
Click on K.O.T list in display menu.
Select date duration and click OK.
Thus it will display the entries for which bill is not created yet.
If you tick the cleared KOTs then the list of all KOT will display not matters whether bill of KOT pending or ready because both cleared and unclear KOTs are ticked. You can also search specific service type and click OK. Thus that specific service type will display. You can also search by waiter name and other options. Close it by clicking on cross sign. The software display total KOT entry below and total amount. Now close it by clicking on cross sign.
Now to check dashboard click on dashboard in display menu.
Here you can view the booked room, vacant room and all detail of room. You can also search a customer by his contact number by filling his contact number and click on search. In the same way you can search him by his name, room type he booked, state, city etc. Name of customer with room booked by him also display here. Now you can close it by clicking on cross sign.
In the same way you can check stay view by clicking on stay view in display menu.
Suppose you want to check in which room the customer stay from the selected date to particular days. For eg. Here we select 12.11.2017 and click on 7 days
then it means from 12.11.2017 to 19.11.2017 the customer stay detail will be display. In the same way you can check for 10 days, 15 days, 13 days and 30 days. Thus it will display on which date how much room is free and how much is booked. Now close it by clicking on close.
You can also check bill book by clicking on bill book in display menu.
Now select date duration for which you want to check bill book. Then click OK.
Now it will display the bill detail for that particular date duration. You can also search particular bill by selecting service type, waiter name etc. and then click OK. You can view the total bill amount with detail below. Now close it by clicking on cross sign.
Now we will check police station report by clicking on police station report in display menu
Now select date and click OK.
Thus you can view the report of that date. You can also print it by clicking on print. Now close it by clicking on close.
You can also check GST report by clicking on GSTR-1 in GST report. Report of GST applied on all sale entry, collection of room rent has prepared here.
Click on GST Summary.
Select date and click OK.
Here the GST summary will display. Now close it by clicking on close.
In the same way you can check GST register(bill wise). Click on GST register(bill wise).
Select date of which you want to check GST register and then click OK.
Thus it will display bill amount, CGST applied, IGST, SGST etc. Now close it.
In the same way you can check GST register(date wise) and GST-3B. Thus you can check all GST related reports in GSTR-1. Now close it by clicking on cross sign.
If you If there is any purchase entry then you can check it in GSTR-2 in GST report.
We have one very important entry in help menu. Thus click on timeline in help menu.
Select date and click OK. In timeline all the entries such as check in, check out, reservation, bill can be viewed in timeline. If we have done any modification, delete and new entry then it will display in timeline with detail that on which date modification done and by which user. On which date we have done KOT, Bill entry whether it is new entry or we/user modify it. Thus all detail will display in timeline. Now close it.
You can also check night audit report by clicking on night audit report in display menu.
You can check top customer by clicking top customer in display menu.
Select date duration and click OK.
Thus it will display the top customer who visit you most of the time. If you want to send SMS to a particular customer then tick that customer and click on SMS.
Write the message(SMS) and click on send SMS.
You can also search a particular customer by his name, mobile number, no of visits etc. Thus top customer report is the report of the customer who visits you more. Now close it by clicking on close.
TAll the report can be checked in display menu. We discussed main reports, you can check any report according to your requirement.